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Breath Meditation

Breath Meditation in simple terms is understanding the power of your existence through the process of natural breathing that we are not conscious of in our day to day life.

When we practice Breath Meditation, we’re practicing presence with the breath. When we become conscious of our natural, easy breathing, we become directly connected to the source.

The process of breath mediation in itself is a conscious process of calming down the chatter in your head by simply observing your breath. When one practices breath meditation, there is no need to chant any mantra, perform any difficult yogic postures or mudras, remember any deity/god, wear any different clothes or do anything remotely that does not count as living a normal life. Breath meditation is simply just being…


Pyramid Energies

The word Pyramid comes from the Greek word Puramis or Puramid. The root ‘pyr’ is very similar to the Greek word ‘pyro’ meaning fire. Fire is pure energy.

The remainder of the word, ‘amid’ means ‘center’. In ancient Egypt, pyramids were called Per-Neter, meaning House of Energy. So you could say that the pyramid means ‘fire at the center.’ The vortex at the center of this sacred shape holds its energy, its fire. The pyramid symbolizes a potent storehouse of energy generators.

Aware of this science, Patriji experimented with Pyramid Energy during his meditation, and discovered its great potential. This high-energy environment promotes healing and the preservation of life forces. The use of pyramid energy places PSSM in a special class within the aware world of conscious co-travelers.

As of today, more than 25,000 pyramids have been constructed in India and worldwide with the express purpose of enhancing pyramid meditation. In addition, PSSM is the only organization that has replicated the precise angles of Egypt’s Pyramid of Giza.

The benefit of this sacred geometry include the following:

  • A three-fold increase in cosmic energy

  • Intensifies the cosmic energy of the full moon

  • Profound healing occurs when a Meditator meditates underneath a pyramid

  • Studying underneath a pyramid induces deeper concentrative states

  • Research supports the healing power of pyramids 

  • Pyramid energy can help preserve fruits and vegetables


Plant Based Food

Holistic living embraces the principle that body, mind and spirit are connected. We cannot heal one while ignoring the others. Our bodily dis-eases are a manifestation of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Practicing ahimsa, the principle of non-violence, increases our energy and leads to higher levels of consciousness.

Holistic care for the self necessarily entails caring for others. Thus, the 8th Guiding Principle of PSSM reminds us of right food. “No meat, no fish, no eggs.” By adopting a plant-based lifestyle and eating only according to our needs, we live in greater harmony with the source, and enjoy a life of greater ease.

Everything is energy. We eat that which is full of life, that which has absorbed the cosmic energy of the sun and undergone the process of photosynthesis. 

Holistic living is not merely a concept, but a necessary lifestyle change that we must all make if we are to enjoy a life worth living.

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